Friday, February 6, 2009

test picture posting

Testing email posting with photo attachment. Ooh, looks like it works! Submitted this post as an email with a photo attachment. Fancy!

Photo is of the raised beds (composts bins I built in the background) in the space between our sidewalk and the street on the west side of the house. In the summer of course.

[2/15/09 This is probably cheating, but going back in time to add this comparison shot taken today to this older post. This is the same view, but drearier]

Check out the dinosaur kale living up to it's Jurassic name after being eaten faster than it can grow in our sunlight deprived (but mild, yes, I should be grateful) winters:

Growing food in your parking strip is a great way to meet your neighbors- the ones who think its cool AND those who think you are insane. They'll tell you either way.

Here is another shot of the parking strip, but farther to the south on our corner lot. Haven't built the raised beds here yet. This one also taken 2/15/09.

I plant lavender in the "dog pee zone". Too small to see in this newer area of the garden. Neighbor suggested hydrant-like fixtures at the corners that encourage bladder emptying at designated places. It seems to work, but I still like the lavender buffer.

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